Study shows lack of drug-susceptibility data for TB patients may increase resistance
Last Updated on April 19, 2024 by Robert C. Hoopes
A recent study conducted by HaystackAnalytics in collaboration with Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College has shed light on the concerning issue of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) in India. The study, which analyzed real-world data from 600 clinical samples of TB patients, revealed some alarming findings.
According to the study, whole genome sequencing showed that pre-extensively drug-resistant TB (pre-XDR-TB) was present in 50.83% of cases, while multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) was found in 15.5% of cases. Interestingly, nearly equal proportions of pre-XDR-TB and MDR-TB were found among both men and women.
In cases where clinicians sent samples for sequencing in difficult-to-treat scenarios, relapse, and treatment failure situations, the study highlighted resistance to key drugs including rifampicin, isoniazid, and fluoroquinolones. XDR-TB, a rare type of MDR-TB resistant to isoniazid, rifampicin, fluoroquinolones, and second-line drugs, was also identified in some cases.
TB remains the second leading infectious disease globally, with over 1.35 lakh multi-drug-resistant cases reported in India in 2020. The CEO of HaystackAnalytics emphasized the need to rethink the approach to TB management in order to effectively address drug-resistant strains.
This study underscores the urgent need for continued research and innovation in the field of TB treatment and management. With the rise of drug-resistant strains, it is crucial for healthcare professionals and policymakers to work together to combat this growing threat and protect public health in India and beyond.