MBA Career Resources: GRE Scores & Submission Rates At the Top 50 U.S. Programs
Last Updated on April 28, 2024 by Robert C. Hoopes
In a surprising turn of events, the GRE has made a comeback in 2023, with 23 out of 54 top U.S. business schools reporting an increase in GRE submission rates. This resurgence in popularity is reflected in an average increase of 7.6 percentage points in GRE submission rates, signaling a shift in the preferences of MBA applicants.
The GRE’s strength is further highlighted by its competition against the GMAT, with submission rates for the latter declining at 39 of the 54 schools analyzed. Stanford Graduate School of Business took the lead with the highest average GRE scores, while Yale School of Management boasted the highest median GRE scores among the top B-schools.
The trend towards the GRE as the preferred test for many schools is evident, as more schools reported higher GRE than GMAT submission rates in 2023 compared to the previous year. This shift in preference was seen throughout the 2022-2023 MBA application cycle, with fluctuations in submission rates for both the GRE and GMAT at top B-schools.
The growth in submission rates for the GRE has outpaced that of the GMAT, with the number of B-schools favoring the GRE over the GMAT on the rise. Data on GRE score ranges at the top 50 B-schools, submission rates over the last seven years, and a comparison of GRE versus GMAT submission rates over the last two years all point towards a changing landscape in admissions testing for graduate business education.
Overall, the GRE’s resurgence in 2023 signifies a shift in the preferences of MBA applicants and highlights the exam’s growing importance in the admissions process at top U.S. business schools.